AnnotatedTypes |
Utility methods for operating on AnnotatedTypeMirror .
CheckerMain |
This class behaves similarly to javac.
Contract |
A contract represents an annotation on an expression.
Contract.ConditionalPostcondition |
Represents a conditional postcondition that must be verified by BaseTypeVisitor or
one of its subclasses.
Contract.Postcondition |
A postcondition contract.
Contract.Precondition |
A precondition contract.
ContractsFromMethod |
A utility class to retrieve pre- and postconditions from a method.
DefaultAnnotationFormatter |
A utility for converting AnnotationMirrors to Strings.
DefaultQualifierKindHierarchy |
DefaultQualifierKindHierarchy.DefaultQualifierKind |
ExecUtil |
Utilities for executing external processes.
ExecUtil.Redirection |
FieldInvariants |
Represents field invariants, which the user states by writing @FieldInvariant .
Heuristics |
Utilities for determining tree-based heuristics.
Heuristics.Matcher |
A base class for tree-matching algorithms.
Heuristics.OfKind |
match() returns true if called on a path whose leaf has the given kind (supplied at
object initialization).
Heuristics.OrMatcher |
match() returns true if any of the given matchers returns true.
Heuristics.PreceededBy |
Heuristics.Within |
match() returns true if called on a path, any element of which matches the given
matcher (supplied at object initialization).
Heuristics.WithinTrueBranch |
match() returns true if called on a path whose leaf is within the "then" clause of an
if whose condition matches the matcher (supplied at object initialization).
JavaExpressionParseUtil |
Helper methods to parse a string that represents a restricted Java expression.
JavaParserUtil |
Utility methods for working with JavaParser.
JavaParserUtil.StringLiteralConcatenateVisitor |
PurityAnnotatedTypeFactory |
PurityChecker |
Perform purity checking only.
TreePathCacher |
TreePathCacher is a TreeScanner that creates and caches a TreePath for a target Tree.
TypeArgumentMapper |
Records any mapping between the type parameters of a subtype to the corresponding type parameters
of a supertype.
TypeInformationPresenter |
Presents formatted type information for various AST trees in a class.
VoidVisitorWithDefaultAction |
A visitor that visits every node in an AST by default and performs a default action on each node
after visiting its children.