Interface QualifierKindHierarchy

    • Method Detail

      • getTops

        java.util.Set<? extends QualifierKind> getTops()
        Returns the qualifier kinds that are the top qualifier in their hierarchies.
        the qualifier kinds that are the top qualifier in their hierarchies
      • getBottoms

        java.util.Set<? extends QualifierKind> getBottoms()
        Returns the qualifier kinds that are the bottom qualifier in their hierarchies.
        the qualifier kinds that are the bottom qualifier in their hierarchies
      • leastUpperBound

        @Nullable QualifierKind leastUpperBound​(QualifierKind q1,
                                                QualifierKind q2)
        Returns the least upper bound of q1 and q2, or null if the qualifier kinds are not in the same hierarchy. Ignores elements/arguments (as QualifierKind always does).
        q1 - a qualifier kind
        q2 - a qualifier kind
        the least upper bound of q1 and q2, or null if the qualifier kinds are not in the same hierarchy
      • greatestLowerBound

        @Nullable QualifierKind greatestLowerBound​(QualifierKind q1,
                                                   QualifierKind q2)
        Returns the greatest lower bound of q1 and q2, or null if the qualifier kinds are not in the same hierarchy. Ignores elements/arguments (as QualifierKind always does).
        q1 - a qualifier kind
        q2 - a qualifier kind
        the greatest lower bound of q1 and q2, or null if the qualifier kinds are not in the same hierarchy
      • allQualifierKinds

        java.util.List<? extends QualifierKind> allQualifierKinds()
        Returns a list of all QualifierKinds sorted in ascending order.
        a list of all QualifierKinds sorted in ascending order
      • getQualifierKind

        QualifierKind getQualifierKind​(@CanonicalName java.lang.String name)
        Returns the QualifierKind for the given annotation class name. Throws an exception if one does not exist.
        name - canonical name of an annotation class
        the QualifierKind for the given annotation class name
      • annotationClassName

        static @CanonicalName java.lang.String annotationClassName​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> clazz)
        Returns the canonical name of clazz. Throws a TypeSystemError if clazz is anonymous or otherwise does not have a name.
        clazz - annotation class
        the canonical name of clazz