Class Contract.ConditionalPostcondition

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Contract.ConditionalPostcondition
    extends Contract
    Represents a conditional postcondition that must be verified by BaseTypeVisitor or one of its subclasses. Automatically extracted from annotations with meta-annotation @ConditionalPostconditionAnnotation, such as EnsuresNonNullIf.
    • Field Detail

      • resultValue

        public final boolean resultValue
        The return value for the annotated method that ensures that the conditional postcondition holds. For example, given
         @EnsuresNonNullIf(expression="foo", result=false) boolean method()
        foo is guaranteed to be @NonNull after a call to method() that returns false.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConditionalPostcondition

        public ConditionalPostcondition​(java.lang.String expressionString,
                                        javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror annotation,
                                        javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror contractAnnotation,
                                        boolean resultValue)
        Create a new conditional postcondition.
        expressionString - the Java expression that should have a type qualifier
        annotation - the type qualifier that expressionString should have
        contractAnnotation - the postcondition annotation that the programmer wrote; used for diagnostic messages
        resultValue - whether the condition is the method returning true or false