Class UBQualifier

    • Constructor Detail

      • UBQualifier

        public UBQualifier()
    • Method Detail

      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror am,
                                                    UpperBoundChecker ubChecker)
        Create a UBQualifier from the given annotation.
        am - the annotation to turn into a UBQualifier
        ubChecker - used to obtain the fields of am
        a UBQualifier that represents the same information as the given annotation
      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror am,
                                                    @Nullable java.lang.String offset,
                                                    UpperBoundChecker ubChecker)
        Create a UBQualifier from the given annotation, with an extra offset.
        am - the annotation to turn into a UBQualifier
        offset - the extra offset; may be null
        ubChecker - used to obtain the fields of am
        a UBQualifier that represents the same information as the given annotation (plus an optional offset)
      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(java.lang.String sequence,
                                                    java.lang.String offset)
      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(AnnotatedTypeMirror type,
                                                    javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror top,
                                                    UpperBoundChecker ubChecker)
        Create an upper bound qualifier.
        type - the type from which to obtain an annotation
        top - the top annotation in a hierarchy; the annotation in this hierarchy will be used
        ubChecker - used to obtain the fields of am
        a new upper bound qualifier
      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> sequences,
                                                    java.util.List<java.lang.String> offsets)
        Creates an UBQualifier from the given sequences and offsets. The list of sequences may not be empty. If the offsets list is empty, then an offset of 0 is used for each sequence. If the offsets list is not empty, then it must be the same size as sequence.
        sequences - non-empty list of sequences
        offsets - list of offset, if empty, an offset of 0 is used
        an UBQualifier for the sequences with the given offsets
      • createUBQualifier

        public static UBQualifier createUBQualifier​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> sequences,
                                                    java.util.List<java.lang.String> offsets,
                                                    @Nullable java.lang.String extraOffset)
        Creates an UBQualifier from the given sequences and offsets, with the given additional offset. The list of sequences may not be empty. If the offsets list is empty, then an offset of 0 is used for each sequence. If the offsets list is not empty, then it must be the same size as sequence.
        sequences - non-empty list of sequences
        offsets - list of offset, if empty, an offset of 0 is used
        extraOffset - offset to add to each element of offsets; may be null
        an UBQualifier for the sequences with the given offsets
      • plusOffset

        public UBQualifier plusOffset​(Node node,
                                      UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory factory)
        Add the node as an offset to a copy of this qualifier. If this qualifier is UNKNOWN or BOTTOM, then UNKNOWN is returned. Otherwise, see UBQualifier.LessThanLengthOf.plusOffset(int) for an explanation of how node is added as an offset.
        node - a Node
        factory - an AnnotatedTypeFactory
        a copy of this qualifier with node added as an offset
      • plusOffset

        public UBQualifier plusOffset​(int value)
      • minusOffset

        public UBQualifier minusOffset​(int value)
      • isLessThanLengthQualifier

        public boolean isLessThanLengthQualifier()
      • isLiteral

        public boolean isLiteral()
        Returns true if this UBQualifier represents a literal integer.
        true if this UBQualifier represents a literal integer
      • isUnknown

        public boolean isUnknown()
        Returns true if this UBQualifier is the top type.
        true if this UBQualifier is the top type
      • isBottom

        public boolean isBottom()
        Returns true if this UBQualifier is the bottom type.
        true if this UBQualifier is the bottom type
      • isPoly

        public boolean isPoly()
        Return true if this is UBQualifier.PolyQualifier.
        true if this is UBQualifier.PolyQualifier
      • isSubtype

        public abstract boolean isSubtype​(UBQualifier superType)
      • isLessThanLengthOf

        public boolean isLessThanLengthOf​(java.lang.String sequence)
        Is the value with this qualifier less than the length of sequence?
        sequence - a String sequence
        whether or not the value with this qualifier is less than the length of sequence
      • isLessThanLengthOfAny

        public boolean isLessThanLengthOfAny​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> sequences)
        Is the value with this qualifier less than the length of any of the sequences?
        sequences - list of sequences
        whether or not the value with this qualifier is less than the length of any of the sequences
      • hasSequenceWithOffset

        public boolean hasSequenceWithOffset​(java.lang.String sequence,
                                             int offset)
        Returns whether or not this qualifier has sequence with the specified offset.
        sequence - sequence expression
        offset - the offset being looked for
        whether or not this qualifier has sequence with the specified offset
      • hasSequenceWithOffset

        public boolean hasSequenceWithOffset​(java.lang.String sequence,
                                             java.lang.String offset)
        Returns whether or not this qualifier has sequence with the specified offset.
        sequence - sequence expression
        offset - the offset being looked for
        whether or not this qualifier has sequence with the specified offset
      • isLessThanOrEqualTo

        public boolean isLessThanOrEqualTo​(java.lang.String sequence)
        Is the value with this qualifier less than or equal to the length of sequence?
        sequence - a String sequence
        whether or not the value with this qualifier is less than or equal to the length of sequence