OffsetEquation |
An offset equation is 2 sets of Java expression strings, one set of added terms and one set of
subtracted terms, and a single integer constant.
UBQualifier |
Abstraction for Upper Bound annotations.
UBQualifier.LessThanLengthOf |
The less-than-length-of qualifier (@LTLengthOf).
UBQualifier.UpperBoundLiteralQualifier |
Represents an integer value that is known at compile time.
UBQualifier.UpperBoundUnknownQualifier |
The top type qualifier.
UpperBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory |
Implements the introduction rules for the Upper Bound Checker.
UpperBoundChecker |
A type-checker for preventing arrays from being accessed with values that are too high.
UpperBoundTransfer |
Contains the transfer functions for the upper bound type system, a part of the Index Checker.
UpperBoundVisitor |
Warns about array accesses that could be too high.