Class ValueLiteral

  • public class ValueLiteral
    extends JavaExpression
    JavaExpression for literals.
    • Field Detail

      • value

        protected final @Nullable java.lang.Object value
        The value of the literal.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueLiteral

        public ValueLiteral​(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror type,
                            ValueLiteralNode node)
        Creates a ValueLiteral from the node with the given type.
        type - type of the literal
        node - the literal represents by this ValueLiteral
      • ValueLiteral

        public ValueLiteral​(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror type,
                            @Nullable java.lang.Object value)
        Creates a ValueLiteral where the value is value that has the given type.
        type - type of the literal
        value - the literal value