Class BusyExprStore

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BusyExprStore
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Store<BusyExprStore>
    A busy expression store contains a set of busy expressions represented by nodes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BusyExprStore

        public BusyExprStore​(java.util.Set<BusyExprValue> busyExprValueSet)
        Create a new BusyExprStore.
        busyExprValueSet - a set of busy expression abstract values. The parameter is captured and the caller should not retain an alias.
      • BusyExprStore

        public BusyExprStore()
        Create a new BusyExprStore.
    • Method Detail

      • killBusyExpr

        public void killBusyExpr​(Node var)
        Kill expressions if they contain variable var.
        var - a variable
      • exprContainsVariable

        public boolean exprContainsVariable​(Node expr,
                                            Node var)
        Return true if the expression contains variable var. Note that .equals is used in the return statement to verify value equality, as the statement decides whether the two nodes have the same value, not represent the same CFG node.
        expr - the expression checked
        var - the variable
        true if the expression contains the variable
      • putBusyExpr

        public void putBusyExpr​(BusyExprValue e)
        Add busy expression e to busy expression value set.
        e - the busy expression to be added
      • addUseInExpression

        public void addUseInExpression​(Node e)
        Add expressions to the store, add sub-expressions to the store recursively
        e - the expression to be added
      • copy

        public BusyExprStore copy()
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Returns an exact copy of this store.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
        an exact copy of this store
      • leastUpperBound

        public BusyExprStore leastUpperBound​(BusyExprStore other)
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Compute the least upper bound of two stores.

        Important: This method must fulfill the following contract:

        • Does not change this.
        • Does not change other.
        • Returns a fresh object which is not aliased yet.
        • Returns an object of the same (dynamic) type as this, even if the signature is more permissive.
        • Is commutative.
        Specified by:
        leastUpperBound in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
      • widenedUpperBound

        public BusyExprStore widenedUpperBound​(BusyExprStore previous)
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Compute an upper bound of two stores that is wider than the least upper bound of the two stores. Used to jump to a higher abstraction to allow faster termination of the fixed point computations in Analysis. previous must be the previous store.

        A particular analysis might not require widening and should implement this method by calling leastUpperBound.

        Important: This method must fulfill the following contract:

        • Does not change this.
        • Does not change previous.
        • Returns a fresh object which is not aliased yet.
        • Returns an object of the same (dynamic) type as this, even if the signature is more permissive.
        • Is commutative.
        Specified by:
        widenedUpperBound in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
        previous - must be the previous store
      • canAlias

        public boolean canAlias​(JavaExpression a,
                                JavaExpression b)
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Can the objects a and b be aliases? Returns a conservative answer (i.e., returns true if not enough information is available to determine aliasing).
        Specified by:
        canAlias in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
      • visualize

        public java.lang.String visualize​(CFGVisualizer<?,​BusyExprStore,​?> viz)
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Delegate visualization responsibility to a visualizer.
        Specified by:
        visualize in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
        viz - the visualizer to visualize this store
        the String representation of this store
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(@Nullable java.lang.Object obj)
        Description copied from interface: Store
        Returns true if this is equal to the given argument.
        Specified by:
        equals in interface Store<BusyExprStore>
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - the object to compare against this
        true if this is equal to the given argument
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object