Class BackwardAnalysisImpl<V extends AbstractValue<V>,​S extends Store<S>,​T extends BackwardTransferFunction<V,​S>>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - the abstract value type to be tracked by the analysis
    S - the store type used in the analysis
    T - the transfer function type that is used to approximate runtime behavior
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Analysis<V,​S,​T>, BackwardAnalysis<V,​S,​T>

    public class BackwardAnalysisImpl<V extends AbstractValue<V>,​S extends Store<S>,​T extends BackwardTransferFunction<V,​S>>
    extends AbstractAnalysis<V,​S,​T>
    implements BackwardAnalysis<V,​S,​T>
    An implementation of a backward analysis to solve a org.checkerframework.dataflow problem given a control flow graph and a backward transfer function.
    • Field Detail

      • outStores

        protected final java.util.IdentityHashMap<Block,​S extends Store<S>> outStores
        Out stores after every basic block (assumed to be 'no information' if not present).
      • exceptionStores

        protected final java.util.IdentityHashMap<ExceptionBlock,​S extends Store<S>> exceptionStores
        Exception store of an exception block, propagated by exceptional successors of its exception block, and merged with the normal TransferResult.
      • storeAtEntry

        protected @Nullable S extends Store<S> storeAtEntry
        The store right before the entry block.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackwardAnalysisImpl

        public BackwardAnalysisImpl()
        Construct an object that can perform a org.checkerframework.dataflow backward analysis over a control flow graph. When using this constructor, the transfer function is set later by the subclass, e.g., org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractAnalysis.
      • BackwardAnalysisImpl

        public BackwardAnalysisImpl​(T transferFunction)
        Construct an object that can perform a org.checkerframework.dataflow backward analysis over a control flow graph given a transfer function.
        transferFunction - the transfer function
    • Method Detail

      • getEntryStore

        public @Nullable S getEntryStore()
        Description copied from interface: BackwardAnalysis
        Get the output store at the entry block of a given control flow graph. For a backward analysis, the output store contains the analyzed flow information from the exit block to the entry block.
        Specified by:
        getEntryStore in interface BackwardAnalysis<V extends AbstractValue<V>,​S extends Store<S>,​T extends BackwardTransferFunction<V,​S>>
        the output store at the entry block of a given control flow graph
      • addStoreAfter

        protected void addStoreAfter​(Block pred,
                                     @Nullable Node node,
                                     S s,
                                     boolean addBlockToWorklist)
        Add a store after the basic block pred by merging with the existing stores for that location.
        pred - the basic block
        node - the node of the basic block b
        s - the store being added
        addBlockToWorklist - whether the basic block b should be added back to Worklist
      • getStoreAfter

        protected @Nullable S getStoreAfter​(Block b)
        Returns the store corresponding to the location right after the basic block b.
        b - the given block
        the store right after the given block
      • runAnalysisFor

        public S runAnalysisFor​(@FindDistinct
                                Node node,
                                Analysis.BeforeOrAfter preOrPost,
                                TransferInput<V,​S> blockTransferInput,
                                java.util.IdentityHashMap<Node,​V> nodeValues,
                                @Nullable java.util.Map<TransferInput<V,​S>,​java.util.IdentityHashMap<Node,​TransferResult<V,​S>>> analysisCaches)
        Description copied from interface: Analysis
        Runs the analysis again within the block of node and returns the store at the location of node. If before is true, then the store immediately before the Node node is returned. Otherwise, the store immediately after node is returned. If analysisCaches is not null, this method uses a cache. analysisCaches is a map of a block of node to the cached analysis result. If the cache for transferInput is not in analysisCaches, this method creates new cache and stores it in analysisCaches. The cache is a map of nodes to the analysis results of the nodes.
        Specified by:
        runAnalysisFor in interface Analysis<V extends AbstractValue<V>,​S extends Store<S>,​T extends BackwardTransferFunction<V,​S>>
        node - the node to analyze
        preOrPost - which store to return: the store immediately before node or the store after node
        blockTransferInput - the transfer input of the block of this node
        nodeValues - abstract values of nodes
        analysisCaches - caches of analysis results
        the store before or after node (depends on the value of before) after running the analysis