Interface Store<S extends Store<S>>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of the store returned by copy and that is used in leastUpperBound. Usually it is the implementing class itself, e.g. in T extends Store<T>.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AccumulationStore, BusyExprStore, CFAbstractStore, CFStore, ConstantPropagationStore, InitializationStore, KeyForStore, LiveVarStore, LockStore, NullnessNoInitStore, ReachingDefinitionStore

public interface Store<S extends Store<S>>
A store is used to keep track of the information that the org.checkerframework.dataflow analysis has accumulated at any given point in time.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    A flow rule describes how stores flow along one edge between basic blocks.
    static enum 
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Can the objects a and b be aliases? Returns a conservative answer (i.e., returns true if not enough information is available to determine aliasing).
    Returns an exact copy of this store.
    Returns true if this is equal to the given argument.
    Compute the least upper bound of two stores.
    Delegate visualization responsibility to a visualizer.
    widenedUpperBound(S previous)
    Compute an upper bound of two stores that is wider than the least upper bound of the two stores.
  • Method Details

    • copy

      S copy()
      Returns an exact copy of this store.
      an exact copy of this store
    • leastUpperBound

      S leastUpperBound(S other)
      Compute the least upper bound of two stores.

      Important: This method must fulfill the following contract:

      • Does not change this.
      • Does not change other.
      • Returns a fresh object which is not aliased yet.
      • Returns an object of the same (dynamic) type as this, even if the signature is more permissive.
      • Is commutative.
    • widenedUpperBound

      S widenedUpperBound(S previous)
      Compute an upper bound of two stores that is wider than the least upper bound of the two stores. Used to jump to a higher abstraction to allow faster termination of the fixed point computations in Analysis. previous must be the previous store.

      A particular analysis might not require widening and should implement this method by calling leastUpperBound.

      Important: This method must fulfill the following contract:

      • Does not change this.
      • Does not change previous.
      • Returns a fresh object which is not aliased yet.
      • Returns an object of the same (dynamic) type as this, even if the signature is more permissive.
      • Is commutative.
      previous - must be the previous store
    • canAlias

      boolean canAlias(JavaExpression a, JavaExpression b)
      Can the objects a and b be aliases? Returns a conservative answer (i.e., returns true if not enough information is available to determine aliasing).
    • visualize

      String visualize(CFGVisualizer<?,S,?> viz)
      Delegate visualization responsibility to a visualizer.
      viz - the visualizer to visualize this store
      the String representation of this store
    • equals

      boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
      Returns true if this is equal to the given argument.
      equals in class Object
      o - the object to compare against this
      true if this is equal to the given argument