Annotation Type EnsuresMinLenIf

  • @Documented
    public @interface EnsuresMinLenIf
    Indicates that the value of the given expression is a sequence containing at least the given number of elements, if the method returns the given result (either true or false).

    When the annotated method returns result, then all the expressions in expression are considered to be MinLen(targetValue).

    See Also:
    See the Checker Framework Manual:
    Constant Value Checker
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String[] expression
      Returns Java expression(s) that are a sequence with the given minimum length after the method returns result().
      boolean result
      Returns the return value of the method under which the postcondition to hold.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      int targetValue
      Returns the minimum number of elements in the sequence.
    • Element Detail

      • expression

        java.lang.String[] expression
        Returns Java expression(s) that are a sequence with the given minimum length after the method returns result().
        an array of Java expression(s), each of which is a sequence with the given minimum length after the method returns result()
        See the Checker Framework Manual:
        Syntax of Java expressions
      • result

        boolean result
        Returns the return value of the method under which the postcondition to hold.
        the return value of the method under which the postcondition to hold
      • targetValue

        int targetValue
        Returns the minimum number of elements in the sequence.
        the minimum number of elements in the sequence