Annotation Type MethodVal

  • @Documented
    public @interface MethodVal
    This represents a set of Method or Constructor values. If an expression's type has @MethodVal, then the expression's run-time value is one of those values.

    Each of @MethodVal's argument lists must be of equal length, and { className[i], methodName[i], params[i] } represents one of the Method or Constructor values in the set.

    See the Checker Framework Manual:
    MethodVal Checker
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String[] className
      The binary name of the class that declares this method.
      java.lang.String[] methodName
      The name of the method that this Method object represents.
      int[] params
      The number of parameters to the method.
    • Element Detail

      • className

        java.lang.String[] className
        The binary name of the class that declares this method.
      • methodName

        java.lang.String[] methodName
        The name of the method that this Method object represents. Use <init> for constructors.
      • params

        int[] params
        The number of parameters to the method.