Class UnitsChecker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javax.annotation.processing.Processor, OptionConfiguration

    public class UnitsChecker
    extends BaseTypeChecker
    Units Checker main class.

    Supports "units" option to add support for additional individually named and externally defined units, and "unitsDirs" option to add support for directories of externally defined units. Directories must be well-formed paths from file system root, separated by colon (:) between each directory.

    See the Checker Framework Manual:
    Units Checker
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnitsChecker

        public UnitsChecker()
    • Method Detail

      • getSuppressWarningsPrefixes

        public java.util.NavigableSet<java.lang.String> getSuppressWarningsPrefixes()
        Description copied from class: SourceChecker
        Returns a modifiable set of lower-case strings that are prefixes for SuppressWarnings strings.

        The collection must not be empty and must not contain only SourceChecker.SUPPRESS_ALL_PREFIX.

        getSuppressWarningsPrefixes in class SourceChecker
        non-empty modifiable set of lower-case prefixes for SuppressWarnings strings