Class UnitsAnnotationClassLoader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable

    public class UnitsAnnotationClassLoader
    extends AnnotationClassLoader
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnitsAnnotationClassLoader

        public UnitsAnnotationClassLoader​(BaseTypeChecker checker)
    • Method Detail

      • isSupportedAnnotationClass

        protected boolean isSupportedAnnotationClass​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annoClass)
        Custom filter for units annotations:

        This filter will ignore (by returning false) any units annotation which is an alias of another base unit annotation (identified via UnitsMultiple meta-annotation). Alias annotations can still be used in source code; they are converted into a base annotation by UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory.canonicalAnnotation(AnnotationMirror). This filter simply makes sure that the alias annotations themselves don't become part of the type hierarchy as their base annotations already are in the hierarchy.

        isSupportedAnnotationClass in class AnnotationClassLoader
        annoClass - an annotation class
        true if the annotation is supported, false if it isn't