Annotation Type FullyQualifiedName
@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE,TYPE_PARAMETER}) @SubtypeOf(FqBinaryName.class) public @interface FullyQualifiedName
A sequence of dot-separated identifiers, followed by any number of array square brackets. Represents a fully-qualified name as defined in the Java Language Specification, section 6.7.Examples:
int MyClass java.lang.Integer int[][] MyClass[] java.lang.Integer[][][]
package org.checkerframework.checker.signature; public class SignatureChecker { private class Inner {} }
the fully-qualified names for the two types are org.checkerframework.checker.signature.SignatureChecker and org.checkerframework.checker.signature.SignatureChecker.Inner.Fully-qualified names and binary names are the same for top-level classes and only differ by a '.' vs. '$' for inner classes.
- See the Checker Framework Manual:
- Signature Checker