Annotation Type EnsuresNonNull
@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,CONSTRUCTOR}) @PostconditionAnnotation(qualifier=NonNull.class) @InheritedAnnotation @Repeatable(List.class) public @interface EnsuresNonNull
Indicates that the value expressions are non-null just after a method call, if the method terminates successfully.This postcondition annotation is useful for methods that initialize a field:
It can also be used for a method that fails if a given expression is null, indicating that the argument is null if the method returns normally:@EnsuresNonNull("theMap") void initialize() { theMap = new HashMap<>(); }
/** Throws an exception if the argument is null. */ @EnsuresNonNull("#1") void assertNonNull(Object arg) { ... }
- See Also:
- See the Checker Framework Manual:
- Nullness Checker
Element Detail
java.lang.String[] value
Returns Java expressions that areNonNull
after successful method termination.- Returns:
- Java expressions that are
after successful method termination - See the Checker Framework Manual:
- Syntax of Java expressions