Annotation Type EnsuresKeyForIf

  • @Documented
    public @interface EnsuresKeyForIf
    Indicates that the given expressions evaluate to a value that is a key in all the given maps, if the method returns the given result (either true or false).

    As an example, consider the following method in java.util.Map:

       @EnsuresKeyForIf(result=true, expression="key", map="this")
       public boolean containsKey(String key) { ... }
    If an invocation m.containsKey(k) returns true, then the type of k can be inferred to be @KeyFor("m").
    See Also:
    KeyFor, EnsuresKeyFor
    See the Checker Framework Manual:
    Map Key Checker
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String[] expression
      Java expressions that are keys in the given maps after the method returns the given result.
      java.lang.String[] map
      Returns Java expressions whose values are maps, each of which contains each expression value as a key (after the method returns the given result).
      boolean result
      The value the method must return, in order for the postcondition to hold.
    • Element Detail

      • result

        boolean result
        The value the method must return, in order for the postcondition to hold.
      • expression

        java.lang.String[] expression
        Java expressions that are keys in the given maps after the method returns the given result.
        See the Checker Framework Manual:
        Syntax of Java expressions
      • map

        java.lang.String[] map
        Returns Java expressions whose values are maps, each of which contains each expression value as a key (after the method returns the given result).
        Java expressions whose values are maps, each of which contains each expression value as a key (after the method returns the given result)
        See the Checker Framework Manual:
        Syntax of Java expressions