Interface CreatesMustCallForElementSupplier

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MustCallAnnotatedTypeFactory, ResourceLeakAnnotatedTypeFactory

    public interface CreatesMustCallForElementSupplier
    This interface should be implemented by all type factories that can provide an ExecutableElement for CreatesMustCallFor and CreatesMustCallFor.List. This interface is needed so any type factory with these elements can be used to retrieve information about these annotations, not just the MustCallAnnotatedTypeFactory (in particular, the consistency checker needs to be able to call that method with both the CalledMethods type factory and the MustCall type factory).
    • Method Detail

      • getCreatesMustCallForValueElement

        javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement getCreatesMustCallForValueElement()
        Returns the CreatesMustCallFor.value field/element.
        the CreatesMustCallFor.value field/element
      • getCreatesMustCallForListValueElement

        javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement getCreatesMustCallForListValueElement()
        Returns the CreatesMustCallFor.List.value field/element.
        the CreatesMustCallFor.List.value field/element