EnsuresLockHeld |
Indicates that the given expressions are held if the method terminates successfully.
EnsuresLockHeld.List |
EnsuresLockHeldIf |
Indicates that the given expressions are held if the method terminates successfully and returns
the given result (either true or false).
EnsuresLockHeldIf.List |
GuardedBy |
Indicates that a thread may dereference the value referred to by the annotated variable only if
the thread holds all the given lock expressions.
GuardedByBottom |
The bottom type in the GuardedBy type system.
GuardedByUnknown |
It is unknown what locks guard the value referred to by the annotated variable.
GuardSatisfied |
If a variable x has type @GuardSatisfied , then all lock expressions for
x 's value are held.
Holding |
Indicates a method precondition: the specified expressions must be held when the annotated method
is invoked.
LockHeld |
Indicates that an expression is used as a lock and the lock is known to be held on the current
LockingFree |
The method neither acquires nor releases locks, nor do any of the methods that it calls.
LockPossiblyHeld |
Indicates that an expression is not known to be LockHeld .
MayReleaseLocks |
The method, or one of the methods it calls, might release locks that were held prior to the
method being called.
NewObject |
A type that represents a newly-constructed object.
ReleasesNoLocks |
The method maintains a strictly nondecreasing lock held count on the current thread for any locks
that were held prior to the method call.