CompareToMethod |
Method declaration annotation that indicates a method has a specification like
compareTo() or compare() .
EqualsMethod |
Method declaration annotation that indicates a method has a specification like equals() .
FindDistinct |
This formal parameter annotation indicates that the method searches for the given value, using
reference equality (== ).
Interned |
Indicates that a variable has been interned, i.e., that the variable refers to the canonical
representation of an object.
InternedDistinct |
Indicates that no other value is equals() to the given value.
InternMethod |
Method declaration annotation used to indicate that this method may be invoked on an uninterned
object and that it returns an interned object.
PolyInterned |
A polymorphic qualifier for the Interning type system.
UnknownInterned |
The top qualifier for the Interning Checker.
UsesObjectEquals |
Class declaration to indicate the class does not override equals(Object) , and therefore
a.equals(b) and a == b behave identically.