Annotation Type HasSubsequence

  • @Documented
    public @interface HasSubsequence
    The annotated sequence contains a subsequence that is equal to the value of some other expression. This annotation permits the Upper Bound Checker to translate indices for one sequence into indices for the other sequence.

    Consider the following example:

      class IntSubArray {
        @HasSubsequence(subsequence = "this", from = "this.start", to = "this.end")
        int [] array;
        @IndexFor("array") int start;
        @IndexOrHigh("array") int end;
    The above annotations mean that the value of an IntSubArray object is equal to a subsequence of its array field.

    These annotations imply the following relationships among @IndexFor annotations:

    • If i is @IndexFor("this"), then this.start + i is @IndexFor("array").
    • If j is @IndexFor("array"), then j - this.start is @IndexFor("this").
    When assigning an array a to array, 4 facts need to be true:
    • start is @NonNegative.
    • end is @LTEqLengthOf("a").
    • start is @LessThan("end + 1").
    • the value of this equals array[start..end-1]
    The Index Checker verifies the first 3 facts, but always issues a warning because it cannot prove the 4th fact. The programmer should manually verify that the subsequence field is equal to the given subsequence and then suppress the warning.

    For an example of how this annotation is used in practice, see the test in /checker/tests/index/.

    This annotation may only be written on fields.

    See the Checker Framework Manual:
    Index Checker
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String from
      The index into this where the subsequence starts.
      java.lang.String subsequence
      An expression that evaluates to the subsequence.
      java.lang.String to
      The index into this, immediately past where the subsequence ends.
    • Element Detail

      • subsequence

        java.lang.String subsequence
        An expression that evaluates to the subsequence.
      • from

        java.lang.String from
        The index into this where the subsequence starts.
      • to

        java.lang.String to
        The index into this, immediately past where the subsequence ends.