AlwaysSafe |
Annotation to override the UI effect on a class, and make a field or method safe for non-UI code
to use.
PolyUI |
Annotation for the polymorphic-UI effect.
PolyUIEffect |
Annotation for the polymorphic effect on methods, or on field accesses.
PolyUIType |
Annotation for the polymorphic type declaration.
SafeEffect |
Annotation for the concrete safe effect on methods, or on field accesses.
SafeType |
Class declaration annotation to make methods default to @AlwaysSafe .
UI |
Annotation for the UI effect.
UIEffect |
Annotation for the concrete UI effect on methods, or on field accesses.
UIPackage |
Package annotation to make all classes within a package @UIType .
UIType |
Class declaration annotation to make methods default to @UI .