Class GuiEffectVisitor.GuiEffectOverrideChecker

    • Constructor Detail

      • GuiEffectOverrideChecker

        public GuiEffectOverrideChecker​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree overriderTree,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType overrider,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingType,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror overridingReturnType,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType overridden,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType overriddenType,
                                        AnnotatedTypeMirror overriddenReturnType)
        Create a GuiEffectOverrideChecker.
        overriderTree - the AST node of the overriding method or method reference
        overrider - the type of the overriding method
        overridingType - the type enclosing the overrider method, usually an AnnotatedDeclaredType; for Method References may be something else
        overridingReturnType - the return type of the overriding method
        overridden - the type of the overridden method
        overriddenType - the declared type enclosing the overridden method
        overriddenReturnType - the return type of the overridden method
    • Method Detail

      • checkReceiverOverride

        protected boolean checkReceiverOverride()
        Extend the receiver part of the method override check. We extend the standard check, to additionally permit narrowing the receiver's permission to @AlwaysSafe in a safe instantiation of a @PolyUIType. Returns true if the override is permitted.
        checkReceiverOverride in class BaseTypeVisitor.OverrideChecker
        true if the override is legal