Annotation Interface DefaultFor

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(ANNOTATION_TYPE) public @interface DefaultFor
A meta-annotation applied to the declaration of a type qualifier. It specifies that the given annotation should be the default for:
  • all uses at a particular location,
  • all uses of a particular type, and
  • all uses of a particular kind of type.
An example is the declaration

 @interface MyAnno {}

The default applies to every match for any of this annotation's conditions.

See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Returns regular expressions matching names of variables, to whose types the annotation should be applied as a default.
    Returns exceptions to regular expression rules.
    Returns TypeKinds of types for which an annotation should be implicitly added.
    Returns Classes for which an annotation should be applied.
    Returns the locations to which the annotation should be applied.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Returns the locations to which the annotation should be applied.
      the locations to which the annotation should be applied
    • typeKinds

      TypeKind[] typeKinds
      Returns TypeKinds of types for which an annotation should be implicitly added.
      TypeKinds of types for which an annotation should be implicitly added
    • types

      Class<?>[] types
      Returns Classes for which an annotation should be applied. For example, if @MyAnno is meta-annotated with @DefaultFor(classes=String.class), then every occurrence of String is actually @MyAnno String.

      Only the given types, not their subtypes, receive the default. For instance, if the types element contains only Iterable, then the default does not apply to a variable or expression of type Collection which is a subtype of Iterable.

      Classes for which an annotation should be applied
    • names

      String[] names
      Returns regular expressions matching names of variables, to whose types the annotation should be applied as a default. If a regular expression matches the name of a method, the annotation is applied as a default to the return type.

      The regular expression must match the entire variable or method name. For example, to match any name that contains "foo", use ".*foo.*".

      The default does not apply if the name matches any of the regexes in namesExceptions().

      This affects formal parameter types only if one of the following is true:

      • The method's source code is available; that is, the method is type-checked along with client calls.
      • When the method was compiled in a previous run of javac, either the processor was run or the -g command-line option was provided.
      regular expressions matching variables to whose type an annotation should be applied
    • namesExceptions

      String[] namesExceptions
      Returns exceptions to regular expression rules.
      exceptions to regular expression rules
      See Also: