Class AccumulationChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
Processor, OptionConfiguration
Direct Known Subclasses:
CalledMethodsChecker, InitializedFieldsChecker

public abstract class AccumulationChecker extends BaseTypeChecker
An accumulation checker is one that accumulates some property: method calls, map keys, etc.

This class provides a basic accumulation analysis that can be extended to implement an accumulation type system. This accumulation analysis represents all facts as Strings.

This class supports modular alias analyses. To choose the alias analyses that your accumulation checker uses, override the createAliasAnalyses() method. By default, the only alias analysis used is Returns Receiver.

The primary extension point is the constructor of AccumulationAnnotatedTypeFactory, which every subclass should override to provide custom annotations.

  • Constructor Details

    • AccumulationChecker

      protected AccumulationChecker()
      Constructs a new AccumulationChecker.
  • Method Details

    • getImmediateSubcheckerClasses

      protected Set<Class<? extends BaseTypeChecker>> getImmediateSubcheckerClasses()
      Description copied from class: BaseTypeChecker
      Returns the set of subchecker classes on which this checker depends. Returns an empty set if this checker does not depend on any others.

      Subclasses should override this method to specify subcheckers. If they do so, they should call the super implementation of this method and add dependencies to the returned set so that checkers required for reflection resolution are included if reflection resolution is requested.

      Each subchecker of this checker may also depend on other checkers. If this checker and one of its subcheckers both depend on a third checker, that checker will only be instantiated once.

      Though each checker is run on a whole compilation unit before the next checker is run, error and warning messages are collected and sorted based on the location in the source file before being printed. (See BaseTypeChecker.printOrStoreMessage(Diagnostic.Kind, String, Tree, CompilationUnitTree).)

      WARNING: Circular dependencies are not supported nor do checkers verify that their dependencies are not circular. Make sure no circular dependencies are created when overriding this method. (In other words, if checker A depends on checker B, checker B cannot depend on checker A.)

      This method is protected so it can be overridden, but it should only be called internally by the BaseTypeChecker.

      The BaseTypeChecker will not modify the set returned by this method, but clients that override the method do modify the set.

      getImmediateSubcheckerClasses in class BaseTypeChecker
      the subchecker classes on which this checker depends; will be modified by callees in overriding methods
    • createAliasAnalyses

      protected EnumSet<AccumulationChecker.AliasAnalysis> createAliasAnalyses(@UnderInitialization AccumulationChecker this)
      Get the alias analyses that this checker should employ.
      the alias analyses
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled(AccumulationChecker.AliasAnalysis aliasAnalysis)
      Check whether the given alias analysis is enabled by this particular accumulation checker.
      aliasAnalysis - the analysis to check
      true iff the analysis is enabled